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更新时间 2018-06-23 浏览量 834次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 careerjourneypro 一往职前
工作性质 全职,兼职,实习
经验要求 不需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 学生签证,工作签证,永居签证,澳洲国籍,其他签证
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
联系人 Jade
联系我时请说明是在 今日墨尔本看到的,谢谢!


Jade JIng - CareerJourney + Life Style Coach 全澳+中国首个双语认证国际职业规划师 剑桥本科 + 投行 + 管理咨询 +创业等8个行业跨国经历 澳洲职业协会(CDAA)认证的职业发展规划师 (Career Development Consultant) 澳洲政府认证的人生(生涯)及商业导师(Life and Business Coach) 中国教育部认证的专业职业生涯规划师 丰富海内外工作阅历 -她在英国,香港,内地和澳洲都有长期的工作和生活的经历,了解留学生、海归和年轻移民找不到对口工作的和职业发展平台的痛苦 跨行业经验- 她在7个以上的不同行业有丰富的工作经验,包括金融、管理咨询、传媒、IT、人力、教育、地产等 了解各类型的企业和工作-工作经验囊括世界500强的跨国大公司像投资银行,管理咨询公司、IBM到中型传媒、创新企业和小型合伙人创业公司,以及澳洲当地的公司 ComSec,Recruitment Consultant(职业中介) 猎头行业、留学课程咨询和5年生涯导师的经验 跨行业学历- 她中学就读于(英)Concord College,本科、硕士毕业于英国剑桥大学经济系,后又在悉尼大学获得了传媒硕士的学位,并有市场营销高级文凭 (Advancediploma of Marketing)等学历


找不到毕业实习?没有工作经验?“一往职前Careerjourneypro”为你提供绝佳internship机会❗️ 与4000家一流澳洲洋人公司合作,42%学生实习后被其所在公司录用,88%学生完成实习后6个月内找到工作。实习领域包括Accounting,IT,Engineering,Hospitality,Events,HR,Marketing,Aged Care&Nursing Internship,Working Holiday Jobs 以及Other Professional Areas 已经开始工作并想要更好工作的同学也可以哦~抓住机会吧!

our Internship Program is designed to equip students and graduates with the skills and confidence to bridge the gap between study and professional employment. The program consists of professional development training and placement preparation, followed by a 12 week Internshipplacement at a quality Australian host company.

A few of our successful achievements include:

· 42% of our students were offered employment by their host company following their internship
· 88% of our students found employment within 6 months of completing their internship
· Working with over 4,000 host companies, providing internships to over 12,000 students
· 97% of our students said they would recommend us to a friend

Please review our Professional Internship Program Brochure here for further information on the Professional Internship Program.

To be eligible for our program, students need to submit the following:

· Photo ID
· IELTS overall 6 or equivalent such as PTE (or equivalent) – if applicable
· Resume
Copy of relevant academic transcriptsUSI (Unique Student Identifier)
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